الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2015

Close your eyes

Close your eyes and I'll take your hand
Go to a place so far from where we stand
I'll give you wings and we'll fly to heaven
Enjoy the blesses that we've been given

Close your eyes...dream all day
From this reality we'll slip away
Sailing in the endless sea of love
Whether it was calm or rough

Close your eyes and I'll be your angel
When you feel cold I'll be your shelter
Hold my hand you'll find your joy
We'll dance until we drop. No end of the story

Close your eyes and dream of me
Dream of all the things we can be
Dream of all the little things we do
Dream of the memories of me and you

Close your eyes.. set yourself free
I'll show you all the romance you wanna see
Ill hug you and hold you so tight until the end
I won't care if it rains. Won't care about the wend

Close your eyes... Feel the beats of my heart
feel the whole world around us falling apart
It couldn't believe how strong our love is
It's even stronger.. But it couldn't guess

Just Close your eyes and make a wish
before ending the sentence, before you finish
I'll make your dream come true
I will do anything for you

السبت، 19 ديسمبر 2015

الحب وحب التملك

 حب التملك هو حب الذات و استغلال الطرف الآخر لاسعاد الذات.
 الحب هو ان تفعل الشئ لتري البسمة علي وجه حبيبك و ان لم يعرف انك سبب هذه البسمة، يكفيك بسمته، تسعدك بسمته.
أما حب التملك هو ان تفعل الشئ و حين تري البسمة تُعلِم الطرف الآخر انك سببها ليكون ممتن لك، لا يكفيك بسمته انما يكفيك شعور الامتنان لذاتك، و احياناً يتطور الأمر إلي تذكرة بين الحين و الآخر، ثم تذكرة في كل حين، و هذه أكثر الطرق ذوقاً في الذل!!

الحب هو ان تكون علي استعداد أن تدمر حياتك بيدك لو كان في ذلك سبب لإسعاد حبيبك.
أما حب التملك هو أن تكون علي إستعداد بأن تدمر حياة الطرف الثاني لو لم يعترف بفضلك و بأنك سبب سعادته!!
 الحب أن تشعر بكل السعادة تأمرك و أنت بجانب حبيبك حتي لو من بعيد أو لم يكترث لوجودك أو حتي شعر به.
أما حب التملك هو أن تجبر الطرف الآخر أن يظل إلي جوارك حتي لو لا يسعده ولا يسعدك ذلك!!

الحب هو ان تشعر ان حبيبك هو أهم شخص بحياتك.
أما حب التملك هو ان تفرض علي الطرف الآخر ان تكون أهم شخص بحياته.

الحب هو ان تجلس مع أناس لا تحبهم و تحاول حبهم لحب حبيبك لهم.
أما حب التملك هو ان تمنع الطرف الثاني ممن يحبهم لأنه يحبهم

الحب الصادق يعطي شعور بالأمان و الطمأنينة و الرضا.
أما حب التملك يعطي غيرة و قلق و شك.

الحب يُعبر عنه بالتصرفات و المواقف قبل الكلام و لا يُتَوَقَع غير ذلك بالمشاعر و القلوب لا تُقَدر و لا يُعبَر عنها بغير ذلك فلا شئ قد يُثَمَن هذه المشاعر.
أما حب التملك دائماً يُعبَر عنه بالهدايا والماديات و الملموسات!!!

الحب أن تهب حبيبك كل الحرية حتي لو كلفك ذلك حريتك كلها.
حب التملك أن تسلب الطرف الآخر كل حريته و تمتلكه حتي لو كلفك ذلك حريتك فقط لشعور التملك…

و كما قال إحسان عبد القدوس: شئ اسمه الحب و شئ اسمه غريزة التملك، و بين الحب و غريزة التملك “خيط رفيع..رفيع جداً.. اذا ما تباينن تكشف لك الفارق الكبير!!”

و لأن ما في القلوب لا يعلمه سوي مقلب القلوب، فكل شئ قد يُفسر ليوحي عكسه، فمثلا حرمان الشخص الطرف الثاني من أحبائه قد يفسره المحب علي انها غيرة و عجبت لفخر بعضهم بذلك؟!
و قد يفسر الطرف الذي يقوم بمراقبة الطرف الثاني علي انه يحميه فالطرف الثاني طيب و لا يعلم ما يضمره الناس من خبث!! و أتعجب انه لا يضم نفسه في تلك القائمة و لا يفسر ذلك علي انه شك و عدم ثقة في الذات قبل ان يكون شك و عدم ثقة في الطرف الثاني.
بل أضحكني يوما حين وجدت شخصا يراقب الطرف الثاني لا غيرة و لا شك و لاحب بل حتي يطمئن ان الطرف الثاني لا يعلم ما يفعله هذا الشخص من خيانات و يكون علي علم فوري بما يصل الطرف الثاني من معلومات حتي يتسني له التصرف قبل فوات الأوان…. و ان حاورته و طلبت منه ترك الطرف الآخر ما دام يعلم في قرارة نفسه انه لا يحبه، يجيبك بالرفض القاطع قائلاً:”ربما أنا لا احبه و لكني متأكد انه يحبني حبا صادقا و هو الوحيد الذي اصدقه فلو حدث لي شئ لن يتركني و يتخلي عني”، اشعر حينها بالشفقة عليه فهو لا يعرف ان الذي يحب حبا صادقا هكذا بالتأكيد سيقف بجانبك وقت ضعفك مهما كلفه ذلك و انك لا تحتاج لاستعباده العمر كله من أجل ذلك و لكن من تُحدث فمن تَمَلَكه حب التملك لا يعرف الحرية… و له في خلقه شئون !!!

و مرة أخري أقتبس من مقدمة رواية الخيط الرفيع للكاتب إحسان عبد القدوس:” واني احذر القراء من ان يحاولوا البحث وراء هذا الخيط، أو يتساءل كل رجل منهم ان كانت فتاته تحبه أو فقط تحرص علي ان تمتلكه، او تتساءل كل فتاة ان كان رجلها يحبها حقيقة ام فقط يتباهون بامتلاكها ليرضي غريزته. و يوم يبحث الجميع وراء الخيط الرفيع و يعم هذا التساؤل، تشقي النفوس، و يتبين ان تسعين في المائة من الزيجات أو العلاقات التي تبدو سعيدة ليس للحب دخل فيها، انما هي سعادة وهمية تقوم علي حرص كل منهما علي امتلاك الآخر.. و ان كلا منهما علي استعداد ليخون الآخر مع حرصه علي امتلاكه، فان غريزة التملك لا تحول دون الخيانة بل تدفع اليها…”
“و صدقوني عندما أحذركم من البحث وراء الخيط الرفيع، فان كل من تتكشف له نفسه و نفوس الناس يشقي بها و بهم…”

الأحد، 13 ديسمبر 2015

house quotes photos

house quotes photos

  • "Our bodies break down, sometimes when we're 90, sometimes before we're even born, but it always happens and there's never any dignity in it. I don't care if you can walk, see, wipe your own ass. It's always ugly. Always. You can live with dignity, we can't die with it."
  •  "You want to make things right? Too bad. Nothing's ever right." 
  •  "...the answer...to life itself: Sex."
  •  "Welcome to the world. Everyone's different, everyone gets treated different. You try fighting that, you end up dying of TB."

الثلاثاء، 8 ديسمبر 2015

criminal minds quotes photos

criminal minds quotes photos

the sims 3 best mods

the sims 3 best mods

1- Druglord

Druglord allows your Sim to make money buying and selling drugs. Every Sim in your town involved with drugs can be approached to buy/sell. Your Sim must be shady enough to do any buying/selling. The mod decides based on traits, e.g. Rebellious, or Party Animal. Click on your Sim to check your Stash at any time.
Every day the quantity and prices of every Sim’s drugs are changed, allowing you to make your rounds looking for good buys, and making profitable sales. Your Stash is not affected by daily randomization.
Druglord is a small pure-scripting mod that should not conflict with any other mods or require any expansions. Its basic and a million different features could be added to improve it. Maybe I will offer updates and improvements as I have time. Have fun.
Technical notes
Sims are in the drug trade if they have any of the following traits:
Evil, Inappropriate, Insane, Loser, Neurotic, PartyAnimal, RebelInfluence, Rebellious, Slob, Unlucky, Unstable

2-  Free Your Klepto

 Allows Klepto's to steal larger amounts, more times per day, and any time of the day or night.

3-  Faster skills and Hidden Skills!


4-  SimsMX's Hospital Overhaul:

 Add additional interaction to hospital: abortion, surrogate mother, sperm or egg donor, blood donor, helping suicide, etc.


5-  Woohoo Mods: kinky mod

Requires: The Sims 3 v1.67

+Sex motive: Used by custom interactions scoring function.
+Menstrual cycle.
+Custom female impregnation system based on menstrual cycle.
+Custom skills: Exhibitionist, Sex, DogSlut.
+Custom buffs: Aroused, Horny, FirstWooHooEver.
+Custom traits: Slut, Exhibitionist, DogBreeder.
+Custom interactions: UndressBottom, UndressTop, RemovePanty, AskForWooHoo, PeeHere, StripteaseOnCounterOrTable, Striptease.
+Moded interactions: TakeShower, UseToilet.
+Stray dogs: Spawns naughty dogs on lots (community and residentials)  to do kinky things with sims.
+Rapist service: Spawns male npc on community lots when a sim wanders alone during night time.
+Whore Role: Earn money using your woohoo skill.

Additional Packs Required:
+Pets (only if you want pets stuff)
Optional Packs:
+Into The Future (required for dreaming animations)
+World Adventures (required for training dummy)
+Late Night (required for Kinky dance on counters or tables)
Custom Content Required:
+CmarNYC Penis Mesh & Sliders (Scripts not required) : http://cmarnyc.blogs...eplacement.html
 Installation :

Just install "KW_Amra72_Animations.package" and "OKW_Amra72_Animations.package" in your sims 3 mods folder

In game add "KW_Amra72_Animations" in posistion list of KinkyWorld setting

How to Install in Kinky World:

Unzip "Lady666_KW_Animations.zip ; Lady666_KW_Crazy_Animations.zip ; KW_Lady666_Kinky_Animations" in your package folder.

In game click on Kinky World settings inside of the Menu Animations Label click on Options Settings Menu Packages Label, add my animations pack ( in lower case): "kw_lady666_animations" / "kw_lady666_crazy_animations" / "kw_lady666_kinky_animations".
Custom Content Recommended:
+See through clothes & mini skirts without panty

Console commands:
+oniki.kinkymod.enabledebug [true|false] : Enable debug interactions
+oniki.kinkymod.enableteen [true|false] : Enable interactions for teen
+oniki.kinkymod.autonomylevel [0|1|2] : 2 is the highest (default) autonomy level. The controled sim can refuse to do user directed interactions. 1 : EA standard autonomy. 0 : No autonomous interaction (not implemented yet).
 (it's strongly recommended to start a new game):
+Whores have to be careful and wisely chose their work place.
+Talented whores can become call girl and receive customers at home or (go to customer's home) for private service. Beware, some customers may have weird requests.
+With Kinky Channel Network, your sims can learn kinky skills while watching TV (videos not included).
+Animal lovers have a new way to please their dogs and horses.
+Beware, gangs of rapists have been spotted!
+There're rumors about flahsers showing their "stuff" to people. Fortunatly, police watch over the city.
+Player can add custom panties so that your sims can have more choice.
+Provident sims can buy condom boxes in groceries and general stores or online (delivered by mail carrier).
+Don't forget to buy a dildo to lonely girls (available in Entertainment/Hobbies & Skills). You can always count on it, never tired and never complains.

6-  The Sims 3 Demonic Powers :


7- More Dangerous Zombies!


- It completely removes the "Argh" interactions when clicking on another Sim (it was useless in my opinion). The only interaction available when clicking on a Sim is "Braaaaaains"
- "Braaaaaains" interaction now will never fail. Each time a Zombie tries to attack a Sim, he will succeed (in vanilla game, there was a 50% chance that the victim screamed so loudly to stop the Zombie from attacking him due to the noise. I mean, EA, really?)
- "Braaaaaains" is now an autonomous interaction. This means if a Sim is close to a Zombie, after a while he will be attacked (though the waiting time is too long. I'm planning to make it shorter)
- Zombies are permanent! Once you become a Zombie, you will never come back, unless you drink some Elixir to heal yourself. Basically, whenever a Zombie bites a Sim, he will become a Zombie and he will receive the "Zombified" moodlet. This is now a permament Moodlet, which also grants a -360 mood

The mod obviously requires Supernatural to work. It doesn't conflict with the "No Zombies on Full Moon (Lite version)" mod (tested). It should conflict with other mods which edits the XML files "Sim+ZombifiedSocials" and "Buffs" (not tested)


8- smoking mod

This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game.

How it works...
To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground).
In live mode, click on the pack and select "Have Smoke". The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. You can also click on the pack and select "Show Contents" to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. Additionally, the pack can be put into inventory and the same options are available.
Smoking a cigarette removes Stressed, BuzzCrashed, FeelingAnxious, and Strained buffs. It adds SmokedCigarette and FeelingCalm buffs and increases Fun motive.

Smoking has a chance of developing a smoking habit(sim will get SmokingHabit buff). If SmokedCigarette buff is allowed to end while having a smoking habit, Fun motive will be greatly reduced, and Stressed, FeelingAnxious, Strained, and NeedCigarette buffs are added.

To quit the smoking habit, You must let the SmokedCigarette buff run out. You will then get the NeedCigarette buff, but you can't smoke again. You will have do other things to keep your sims Fun motive up until the quitting process is complete, which takes 15 sim days. After that, you get a QuitColdTurkey buff, and life goes back to normal. Unless...

If you have the QuitColdTurkey buff, and your sim smokes again, you get the SmokingHabit buff again and a FellOffTheWagon buff, and you'll have to start the quitting process all over again.

download :  